Best SEO strategist in Malappuram.

I am Shaniba, completed Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and started working for two different companies. I was diligent and committed to my work, gaining valuable experience in the field.

However, after a year , I took a long break from my career after giving birth to the children. As kids grew up, I began to think about re-entering the workforce. However, I found that my experience had become outdated and was worried about my ability to compete in a fast-changing job market.

Determined to get back on track, I decided to take a course in digital marketing, which I felt was important in today’s world. Despite feeling uncertain and lacking confidence in my abilities, I persevered with the course.

With dedication and hard work, I was able to successfully complete the digital marketing course. The experience not only gave me the skills I needed to compete in the job market, but it also helped me regain my confidence and sense of purpose.

Today, I am proud to identify myself as a digital marketer and is excited about the opportunities that this rapidly-evolving field has to offer. Despite the challenges I have faced along the way, my determination and hard work have allowed me to overcome them and emerge as a strong, confident professional.

My clients for SEO services are Aroz Design and Anglers Fish and Chips, and they are satisfied with my work on SEO and other strategies.

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